
Airflow and Thermal Mapping for IT Cabinets
The Cabinet Analysis Sensor (CAS) features a cabinet thermal map for detecting hot spots and a differential pressure sensor for analysis of airflow.
Monitor up to 16 cabinets from a single IP address with the sensorProbeX+ base units.
The Wireless Cabinet Analysis Sensor is also available using our Wireless Tunnel™ Technology.

Differential Temperature (△T)
Cabinet thermal maps consist of 2 strings of 3x Temp and 1x Hum sensor.
Monitor the temperature at the front and rear of the cabinet, top, middle and bottom.
The △T value, front to rear temperature differential is calculated and displayed with animated arrows in AKCPro Server cabinet rack map views.

Differential Pressure (△D)
There should always be a positive pressure at the front of the cabinet, to ensure that air from hot and cold aisles are not mixing.
Air travels from areas of high pressure to low pressure, it is imperative for efficient cooling to check that there is higher pressure at the front of the cabinet and lower pressure at the rear.

Rack Maps and Containment Views
With an L-DCIM or PC with AKCPro Server installed, dedicated rack maps displaying Cabinet Analysis Sensor data can be configured to give a visual representation of each rack in your data centre.
If you are running a hot/cold aisle containment, then containment views can also be configured to give a sectional view of your racks and containment aisles.

Codici d'Ordine

Modelli Disponibili 
  • CAS

Accredia - Intertek
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